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The Water First Promotion Toolkit highlights evidence-based strategies to promote the consumption of water instead of sugary drinks in schools, child care facilities, parks, clinics, and other community-based sites.
The Water Works Guide provides strategies, tools, and resources to help you make water the beverage of choice for students in schools.

In this video, developed by the Bigger Picture, a partnership between Youth Speaks and UCSF’s Center for Vulnerable Populations, Eileen Torrez, a poet and singer-songwriter discusses gratitude to water and the lack of access many have to clean-drinkable water.

Music video to get children excited about drinking water. Includes the hand gestures & body movements to the song.

In this video, families will learn how to avoid the sugar in popular beverages by choosing to drink the most refreshing, inexpensive and life-sustaining drink in the world: water!

En este video, las familias aprenderán a evitar consumir demasiada azúcar por sustituir las bebidas azucaradas con la bebida más refrescante, barata y vital del mundo: el agua! ¡A compartir el amor! ¡A compartir el agua.

Video that shows easy ways to add natural flavor to water using simple ingredients on hand in your refrigerator, freezer, or garden.

4 ways to make reaching for water easier for promoting healthy teeth.

Cuatro maneras de facilitar el alcance del agua para promover dientes sanos.
La guía de herramientas de Padres Haciendo Olas les provee a los padres las mejores practicas, recursos y herramientas para abogar por agua segura y apetecible en las escuelas.
The Parents Making Waves toolkit provides parents with best practices, resources, and tools to advocate for safe and appealing water in schools.
This short summary provides a snapshot of evidence-based water promotion strategies for schools, child care, parks, clinics, and other community-based sites.
This infographic highlights characteristics of park environments that can promote intake of water.